Program Overview
This 4 course study at All Nations Biblical Study Center introduces students to the three main divisions of the Hebrew Bible.
Courses in Program
A Survey of the Hebrew Bible
This course provides a general survey of the 39 books of the Hebrew Bible, referred to in Hebrew as the Tanakh. Each major division of the Hebrew Bible – The Law (Torah), The Hebrew Prophets (Nevi’im), and the Writings(Ketuvim) – will be introduced and discussed. This will allow the student to better understand the overall structure, major themes and central message of the text of the Hebrew Bible. [8 classes, approximately 45 minutes each]

The Torah Through the Ages
This Seminar provides a general introduction and overview of the first five books of the Biblical text, known in Hebrew as the Torah. This course will explore the foundational role of the Torah in Judaism, the life and ministry of Jesus, the early church and the ministry of the Apostle Paul. Class discussions include: An Introduction to the Torah and the Hebrew Scriptures, An Overview of each individual Book of the Torah, An Examination of the 10 Commandments, The role of the Torah in the ministry of Jesus, The Early Church and the Torah, and the Apostle Paul and the Torah.

Jewish Writings: From Conquest to Exile
This course provides a thorough treatment of the biblical writings from the Jewish conquest of the Promised Land through the return of the Jewish exiles from Babylon. The following books will be discussed in this course: Joshua, Judges, I and II Samuel, I and II Kings, Ezra, and Nehemiah.

The Hebrew Prophets
This course provides a general introduction to the Prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures. Class discussions will focus upon the individual prophet, the historical setting of each prophetic book, dominant themes, messianic prophecies, and references to the prophets in the New Testament writings.