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Join us as we explore the richness of God’s Word.

To Know What Is In Your Heart
To Know What Is In Your Heart by Michelle Ramsey As I reflect on the past year, I think we would all agree that it presented challenges not seen in our lifetime. What an understatement! 2020 was a year of many trials, yet in days of trouble, God was so near....

Naomi’s Journey: Pleasant, Bitter, Restored
by Michelle Ramsey Shavu’ot was celebrated this week by Jews around the world, and Pentecost Sunday will be observed on Sunday by many Christians. As a harvest festival, the Book of Ruth is an integral part of this biblical “appointed time.” We all love the...

What Cannot Be Taken Away
What Cannot be Taken Away by Michelle Ramsey I love the account of Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42. We know the story, Martha is busy serving, while Mary is sitting at the feet of Jesus. As you may know, to sit at someone’s feet is a Jewish...

The Oasis of En Gedi
The Oasis of En Gedi by Daniel & Michelle Ramsey In this Israel Video blog, we will travel to the Oasis of En Gedi, located on the western shore of the Dead Sea. The name En Gedi means “The spring of the kid (goat).” The fresh water...

The Jordan River
The Jordan River by Daniel & Michelle Ramsey The Jordan River is one of the most famous rivers in the world. While it’s not on the scale of other famous rivers like the great Nile, the vast Amazon, or the mighty Mississippi, the...

The Dead Sea
The Dead Sea by Daniel & Michelle Ramsey At 1,300 feet below sea level, the Dead Sea is the lowest place on earth. This body of water is called Yam Hamelakh in Hebrew, meaning "The Salt Sea." It is truly a remarkable place. The deep turquoise waters against...

The Wilderness
The Judean Wilderness by Daniel & Michelle Ramsey In this Israel Photo Blog, we want travel to another one of our favorite spots in Israel, the Judean wilderness. It is a truly striking area! It was here that Jesus was...

Wilderness Tabernacle
The Wilderness Tabernacle by Daniel & Michelle Ramsey In this Israel Photo Blog, we want to share with you a highlight from one of our favorite spots in the Land of Israel, Timnah Park. Located just north of the modern city of Eilat, Timnah Park is home to...
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