The Online Biblical Studies Program
A Free 25 Course Biblical Studies Program at your pace Enroll NowThe Online Biblical Studies Program is comprised of 21 core courses and 4 general elective courses. The program is divided into three divisions of study: (1) Historical and cultural studies, focused on introducing students to the historical context and cultural setting of the biblical text; (2) Studies in the Hebrew Bible, aimed at introducing students to the three major divisions of the Hebrew Bible: the Torah, Prophets and Writings; and (3) New Testament studies, centered on the study of the four New Testament Gospels, the Pauline Epistles, the General Epistles and the Book of Revelation.
The Online Biblical Studies Program is comprised of 22 core courses and 3 general elective courses. The program is divided into the following three divisions of study: (1) Historical and cultural studies, focused on introducing students to the historical context and cultural setting of the biblical text; (2) Studies in the Hebrew Bible, aimed at introducing students to the three major divisions of the Hebrew Bible: the Torah, Prophets and Writings; and (3) New Testament studies, centered on the study of the four New Testament Gospels, the Pauline Epistles, the General Epistles and the Book of Revelation.
Jewish Backgrounds of the New Testament
Biblical Backgrounds I
Biblical Backgrounds II
The Origins of Christianity
I. Historical & Cultural Studies (6 Core Courses)
The Jewish World of Jesus
This course at ANBSC explores the first century Jewish world of Jesus. Students will be introduced to the Land of the Bible, daily life in first century Israel, the major religious groups of Jesus’ day, and Jewish worship in the Temple, Synagogue and home. Exclusive video footage from the Land of Israel is featured throughout this course.
Israel in Worship I: God's Appointed Times
This course will introduce students to God’s Appointed Times, commonly referred to as the 7 Feasts of Israel, as set forth in Leviticus 23. This God-ordained schedule of worship kept Israel focused upon the LORD throughout the year. The sacred biblical calendar provides vital insights regarding acceptable worship for believers in every age. Class sessions will include detailed discussions on the institution and proper observance of the weekly Sabbath, the annual festivals of Passover (Pesach), Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost (Shavu’ot), Trumpets (Rosh HaShanah), The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and Tabernacles (Sukkot). The national festivals of Purim and Hanukkah will also be covered. In addition, students will have the unique opportunity to participate in a Biblical/Last Supper Meal.
Israel in Worship II: Tabernacle, Temple & Synagogue
This course examines how the Jewish nation worshipped the Lord in the Tabernacle, Temple(s) and local synagogues. Course topics include: Worship before the Law, The Construction of the Tabernacle, Sacrifices & Offerings, The Ministry of the Levites & Priesthood, The Rise of the 1st & 2nd Temples, Worship & Service in the Jewish Temple(s), Jesus and the Temple, Tabernacle and Temple Imagery in the New Testament, The Rise of The Jewish Synagogue, and The Relationship between the Church and Synagogue.
Windows to the Ancient World
This Seminar introduces students to a selection of early Jewish and Christian writings that grew up alongside the biblical text. These writings provide a window into the world in which the biblical text emerged. Collectively, they help provide a fuller understanding of the message of the Bible.
Course topics include: An Introduction to the Old Testament Apocrypha, An Introduction to the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, An Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature, An Introduction to the Dead Sea Scrolls, An Introduction to Philo & Josephus, and An Introduction to the Early Church Fathers.
The Origins of Christianity
Biblical Studies Seminar
This course is a compilation of three “Classic Courses” at All Nations Biblical Study Center. Class sessions are derived from the following courses: Jewish Backgrounds of New Testament, Biblical Backgrounds Series I, and Biblical Backgrounds Series II.
Course Topics include:
Jewish History of the Second Temple Period; Jesus in His Jewish Context; Messianic Thought and Terminology;
Understanding the Hard Sayings of Jesus;
Hebrew Idioms in the New Testament;
Proselytes and God-fearers;
Sanhedrin, Community Organization, Rabbis and Synagogue;
Spiritual Blindness;
Life and Literature of the First Two Centuries A.D.;
An Introduction to the Hebrew Canon;
An Introduction to the New Testament Canon; and
The History of the English Bible.
A Survey of the Hebrew Bible
The Torah Through the Ages
This Seminar provides a general introduction and overview of the first five books of the Biblical text, known in Hebrew as the Torah. This course will explore the foundational role of the Torah in Judaism, the life and ministry of Jesus, the early church and the ministry of the Apostle Paul. Class discussions include: An Introduction to the Torah and the Hebrew Scriptures, An Overview of each individual Book of the Torah, An Examination of the 10 Commandments, The role of the Torah in the ministry of Jesus, The Early Church and the Torah, and the Apostle Paul and the Torah.
The Hebrew Prophets
The Jewish Writings: From Conquest to Exile
A Survey of the Biblical Text
This course provides a general survey of the 39 books of the Hebrew Bible and the 27 books of the New Testament. This course strives to help students better understand the overall structure, major themes and central message of the text of the biblical text. [17 classes, approximately 45 minutes each]
The Torah Through the Ages
This Seminar provides a general introduction and overview of the first five books of the Biblical text, known in Hebrew as the Torah. This course will explore the foundational role of the Torah in Judaism, the life and ministry of Jesus, the early church and the ministry of the Apostle Paul. Class discussions include: An Introduction to the Torah and the Hebrew Scriptures, An Overview of each individual Book of the Torah, An Examination of the 10 Commandments, The role of the Torah in the ministry of Jesus, The Early Church and the Torah, and the Apostle Paul and the Torah.
The Hebrew Prophets
The Jewish Writings: From Conquest to Exile
III. New Testament Studies (13 Core Courses)
Students May choose to enroll in either The Life of Jesus I,II,& III or Synoptic Gospels I,II, & III.
A Survey of the New Testament
Life of Jesus I
Suggested Text:
Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels, by Burton H. Throckmorton, Jr.
Life of Jesus II
Suggested Text:
Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels, by Burton H. Throckmorton, Jr.
Life of Jesus III
Suggested Text:
Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels, by Burton H. Throckmorton, Jr.
Synoptic Gospels I
Required Text:
Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels, by Burton H. Throckmorton, Jr.
Synoptic Gospels II
Synoptic Gospels III
The Gospel of John: The Book of Signs
The Gospel of John: The Book of Glory
The Book of Acts
Paul & His Letters I
Paul & His Letters II
Paul & His Letters III
The Book of Hebrews
The General Epistles
The Book of Revelation & Apocalyptic Literature
III. New Testament Studies (12 Core Courses)
Life of Jesus I
Suggested Text:
Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels, by Burton H. Throckmorton, Jr.
Life of Jesus II
Suggested Text:
Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels, by Burton H. Throckmorton, Jr.
Life of Jesus III
Suggested Text:
Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels, by Burton H. Throckmorton, Jr.
The Gospel of John: The Book of Signs
The Gospel of John: The Book of Glory
The Book of Acts
Paul & His Letters I
Paul & His Letters II
Paul & His Letters III
The Book of Hebrews
The General Epistles
The Book of Revelation & Apocalyptic Literature
Israel in Worship I: God's Appointed Times
Israel in Worship II: Tabernacle, Temple & Synagogue
Jesus and His Parables
This course in the Study Center’s Life of Jesus Series provides an in-depth look at each of Jesus’ parables recorded in the New Testament gospels. Class discussions will address why Jesus extensively taught in parables, the various categories of parables, and the rules for interpreting first century Jewish parables. The historical and theological context of Jesus’ parables will be discussed throughout the course.
Jesus and His Miracles
Exploring the Sermon on the Mount
Living Discipleship
This course examines what it really means to be a faithful disciple of Jesus. Whether you are a new disciple of Jesus or have been following the Lord for many years, this course is for you. The most vital issues pertaining to a life of discipleship are addressed throughout this unique course. We’ll take a close look at how to pray according to Jesus’ instructions as found in The Lord’s Prayer, examining each of the seven requests contained within this prayer. We’ll also emphasize the importance of the Bible and explore practical ways to be a faithful student of God’s Word. The purpose of the Church, life within the community of faith, and finding one’s place within the body of Christ will also be discussed. This course requires students to submit answers to study questions via an online form. [10 classes, approximately 30 minutes each]
The Gospel of John
Understanding the Parables of Jesus
A Journey Through John – Chapters 1-4
A Journey Through John – Chapters 5-9
IV. General Electives (Choose 3)
Jesus and His Parables
This course in the Study Center’s Life of Jesus Series provides an in-depth look at each of Jesus’ parables recorded in the New Testament gospels. Class discussions will address why Jesus extensively taught in parables, the various categories of parables, and the rules for interpreting first century Jewish parables. The historical and theological context of Jesus’ parables will be discussed throughout the course.
Jesus and His Miracles
Exploring the Sermon on the Mount
Living Discipleship
Biblical Backgrounds I
Biblical Backgrounds II
Jewish Backgrounds of the New Testament
The Gospel of John
A Journey Through John – Chapters 1-4
A Journey Through John – Chapters 5-9
Synoptic Gospels I
Required Text:
Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels, by Burton H. Throckmorton, Jr.
Synoptic Gospels II
Synoptic Gospels III
Understanding the Parables of Jesus
online Biblical studies program
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can enroll in courses at All Nations Biblical Study Center?
Enrollment is open to everyone. There are no entrance requirements.
What are the costs?
All Study Center courses are free. Donations are appreciated.
Can I take individual courses without enrolling in the Online Biblical Studies Program?
Yes. The Study Center realizes that some individuals may desire to take specific courses without enrolling in the complete OBSP. Such students are welcome to enroll in as many individual courses as they desire (limited to three courses at a time).
What are the course requirements?
Students are required to view all course videos and complete any readings associated with the course. Students must submit an online class completion form at the conclusion of each class session until all classes have been finished.
What will I receive?
A thorough biblical education at no required costs. At the completion of the program, students may receive a Certificate of Completion, suitable for framing, by submitting a $25.00 Certificate fee.
Who are the instructors?
Daniel and Michelle Ramsey are full-time instructors at All Nations Biblical Study Center. They hold Master of Arts degrees in New Testament and Early Christianity. They attended graduate school in Jerusalem, Israel, and studied at The University of the Holy Land, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the École Biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem.
Are there any required textbooks?
No. However, if students choose to enroll in Synoptic Gospels I, II & III rather than in The Life of Jesus I, II & III, there is one required textbook. This textbook can generally be purchased from $20 – $35 USD. It serves as the required text for Synoptic Gospels I, II and III. In all other courses, various textbooks and resources are suggested to students, but no textbooks are required in the Online Biblical Studies Program.
How many classes can I take at any given time?
Up to three.
Can I purchase courses on DVD?
Yes. Course DVDs may be purchased. These DVDs are in a higher video resolution than courses offered in the online format. Please contact the Study Center for individual pricing.
What is the Online Biblical Studies Program?
The Free Online Biblical Studies Program is comprised of 21 core courses and 4 general elective courses. The program is divided into the following three divisions of study: (1) Historical and cultural studies, focused on introducing students to the historical context and cultural setting of the biblical text; (2) Studies in the Hebrew Bible, aimed at introducing students to the three major divisions of the Hebrew Bible: the Torah, Prophets and Writings; and (3) New Testament studies, centered on the study of four New Testament Gospels, the Pauline Epistles, the General Epistles and the Book of Revelation.
How long does it take to complete the Online Biblical Studies Program?
The Biblical Studies program consists of 25 courses. Online students may complete individual courses at their own pace. Therefore, the duration of the OBSP will vary with each individual. We recommend students complete one class session per week.
Will there be tests?
While no formalized testing or grading is administered by the Study Center, “stress-free” evaluations are available to students who would like to monitor their progress.
What are the online courses like?
All classes at All Nations Biblical Study Center are filmed and made available as online courses. This allows online students a more “in class” experience. Most courses provide detailed class outlines, notes, PowerPoint presentations and special readings.
How long are the courses?
Courses generally consist of 10-13 class sessions. Most individual class sessions run approximately 1 hour, 15 minutes. In a few of our courses, class sessions run 30-45 minutes; these courses will have a notation in the Course Description.
Where should I start? Is there a suggested order for completing the program?
Yes. See the suggested order at the bottom of this page.
How can the courses be offered at no required costs?
All Nations is able to provide Biblical courses at no required costs to students thanks to the financial generosity of individuals who believe in the ministry of the Study Center. These individuals contribute by becoming monthly partners or by making periodic financial contributions to the Study Center. In addition, All Nations also offers course DVDs for purchase to help meet the operational expenses of the Study Center. If you would like to help the Study Center continue providing free Bible courses to people throughout the world, please visit the Partners page by clicking here.
online Biblical studies program
Frequently Asked Questions
Where should I start? Is there a suggested order for completing the program?
Yes. See the suggested order at the bottom of this page.
Who can enroll in courses at All Nations Biblical Study Center?
Enrollment is open to everyone. There are no entrance requirements.
What are the costs?
All Study Center courses are free. Donations are appreciated.
Can I take individual courses without enrolling in the Online Biblical Studies Program?
Yes. The Study Center realizes that some individuals may desire to take specific courses without enrolling in the complete OBSP. Such students are welcome to enroll in as many individual courses as they desire (limited to three courses at a time).
What are the course requirements?
Students are required to view all course videos and complete any readings associated with the course. Students must submit an online class completion form at the conclusion of each class session until all classes have been finished.
What will I receive?
A thorough biblical education with no required costs. At the completion of the program, students may receive a Certificate of Completion (suitable for framing) by submitting a $25.00 Certificate fee.
Who are the instructors?
Daniel and Michelle Ramsey are full-time instructors at All Nations Biblical Study Center. They each hold Master of Arts degrees in New Testament and Early Christianity. They attended graduate school in Jerusalem, Israel, and studied at The University of the Holy Land, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the École Biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem.
Are there any required textbooks?
No. However, if students choose to enroll in Synoptic Gospels I, II & III (rather than in The Life of Jesus I, II & III), there is one required textbook. This textbook can generally be purchased from $20 – $35 USD. It serves as the required text for Synoptic Gospels I, II and III. In all other courses, various textbooks and resources are suggested, but no textbooks are required in the Online Biblical Studies Program.
How many classes can I take at any given time?
Up to three.
Can I purchase courses on DVD?
Yes. Course DVDs may be purchased. Most of these DVDs are in a higher video resolution than courses offered in the online format. Please contact the Study Center for individual pricing.
What is the Online Biblical Studies Program?
The Free Online Biblical Studies Program is comprised of 21 core courses and 4 general elective courses. The program is divided into the following three divisions of study: (1) Historical and cultural studies, focused on introducing students to the historical context and cultural setting of the biblical text; (2) Studies in the Hebrew Bible, aimed at introducing students to the three major divisions of the Hebrew Bible: the Torah, Prophets and Writings; and (3) New Testament studies, centered on the study of four New Testament Gospels, the Pauline Epistles, the General Epistles and the Book of Revelation.
How long does it take to complete the Online Biblical Studies Program?
The Biblical Studies program consists of 25 courses. Online students may complete individual courses at their own pace. Therefore, the duration of the OBSP will vary with each individual. We recommend students complete one class session per week.
Will there be tests?
No formalized testing or grading is administered by the Study Center. “Stress-free” evaluations are available in a number of courses for students who would like to monitor their progress.
What are the online courses like?
All on-site classes at All Nations Biblical Study Center are filmed and made available as online courses. This allows online students a more “in class” experience. Most courses provide detailed class outlines, notes, PowerPoint presentations and special readings.
How long are the courses?
Courses generally consist of 10-13 class sessions. Most individual class sessions run approximately 1 hour, 15 minutes. In a few of our courses, class sessions run 30-45 minutes; these courses will have a notation in the Course Description.
How can the courses be offered for free?
Thanks to the financial generosity of individuals who believe in the ministry of the Study Center, we are able to provide free biblical courses to students locally and globally. These individuals contribute by becoming monthly partners or by making periodic financial contributions to the Study Center. In addition, All Nations also offers course DVDs for purchase to help meet the operational expenses of the Study Center. If you would like to help the Study Center continue providing free Bible courses to people around the globe, please visit the Partners page by clicking here.
The following suggested course order is based on students enrolling in three courses at a time.
- Jewish Backgrounds of the New Testament
- A Survey of the Hebrew Bible
- A Survey of the New Testament
- Biblical Backgrounds I
- Biblical Backgrounds II
- Torah Through the Ages
- Life of Jesus I
- Life of Jesus II
- Life of Jesus III
- The Hebrew Prophets
- The Jewish Writings: From Conquest to Exile
- The Origins of Christianity
- The Gospel of John: The Book of Signs
- The Gospel of John: The Book of Glory
- The Book of Acts
- Paul & His Letters I
- Paul & His Letters II
- Paul & His Letters III
- The Book of Hebrews
- The General Epistles
- The Book of Revelation & Apocalyptic Literature
- Elective of Student’s Choice – example: Israel in Worship II: Tabernacle, Temple & Synagogue
- Elective of Student’s Choice – example: Israel in Worship II: Tabernacle, Temple & Synagogue
- Elective of Student’s Choice – example: Living Discipleship
- Elective of Student’s Choice – example: Understanding the Parables of Jesus
The following suggested course order is based on students enrolling in and completing three courses at a time. Students are also welcome to complete the program in any order they prefer.
Core Courses (Twenty-Two Courses)
- Life of Jesus I
- The Jewish World of Jesus
- Survey of the Biblical Text
- Life of Jesus II
- Israel in Worship I: God’s Appointed Times
- Windows to the Ancient World
- Life of Jesus III
- Israel in Worship II: Tabernacle, Temple and Synagogue
- Torah Through the Ages
- The Gospel of John: The Book of Signs
- The Hebrew Prophets
- The Jewish Writings: From Conquest to Exile
- The Gospel of John: The Book of Glory
- The Origins of Christianity
- The Book of Acts
- Paul & His Letters I
- Paul & His Letters II
- Paul & His Letters II
- The Book of Hebrews
- The General Epistles
- The Book of Revelation & Apocalyptic Literature
- Biblical Studies Seminar
Electives: Choose Three (Refer to Complete List of Electives)
- Elective of Student Choice – example: Exploring the Sermon on the Mount
- Elective of Student Choice – example: Jesus & His Miracles
- Elective of Student Choice – example: Jesus & His Parables
*SPECIAL NOTE: For students who enrolled prior to August 13, 2020, click here for information on the previous Suggested Course Order.
Student Testimonials