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Bible Studies on DVD
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The Journeys of Jesus
Filmed in Israel in 2006
We invite you to journey with us to the land of Israel as we follow the steps of Jesus in this special video teaching series, The Journeys of Jesus. Filmed entirely on-location in the land of Israel, this first installment in the series contains 13 individual episodes, retracing the steps of Jesus from the Annunciation in Nazareth to His early years of ministry in the Galilee. This unique teaching series focuses upon the historical, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds of the life and ministry of Jesus and promises to provide fresh insights into God’s timeless Word.
13 Episodes in a Boxed Set and Case
$35.00 USD + $5 shipping (US only)

Living Discipleship
This video series explores the most vital issues regarding the call to discipleship. Whether you are a new disciple or long-time follower of Jesus, this 10-session series is sure to motivate you to a more faithful life of discipleship. This series addresses the nature of true discipleship, prayer, the biblical text, life in the church and more.
10 Sessions in a 5-DVD boxed set. Each session is approx. 30 min.
$35.00 USD + $5 shipping (US only)

The 7 Churches of Revelation
This verse-by-verse series on Revelation Chapters 2 and 3 explores the historical and cultural background of Jesus’ words to the Seven Churches ofRevelation, emphasizing the importance of their message for the church today.
10 Sessions on 10 DVDS. Each session is approx. 30 min.
Cost: $35 + $5 shipping (US only)

The Heart of the Kingdom
This verse-by-verse treatment on Matthew Chapters 5 through 7 explores the heart of Jesus’ message as recorded in the Sermon on the Mount. Special emphasis is given to the historical, cultural and linguistic background of the text, examining what it means to be a faithful member of the Kingdom.
16 Sessions on 16 DVDs. Each session is approx. 30 min.
Cost: $45 + $5 shipping (US only)
The Holy Land: An Epic Journey
Available on DVD & Blu-ray
The Holy Land: An Epic Journey
Discover the wonders of Israel as never before in The Holy Land: An Epic Journey. This spectacular visual experience, set to inspiring cinematic music, explores the beauty of the Promised Land’s awe-inspiring landscapes. Experience the glory of sunrise over the Sea of Galilee, the splendor of a Mediterranean sunset, the majesty of Jerusalem and the serenity of the Galilee. Witness the great diversity of this tiny land, from the rugged deserts of the south to peaceful flowing waterfalls of the north, from breathtaking mountain views to expansive valleys. Filmed at over 75 locations, The Holy Land: An Epic Journey captures the timeless beauty of this beloved land.
*While there is no narration or subtitles in the Trailer, major site location names do appear throughout the video.
Click here to order – specify your order as “Holy Land DVD” or “Holy Land Blu-ray” in the drop down menu.
DVD – $15.99 USD
Blu-ray – $17.99 USD
*Add $4 Shipping for Mail Orders (per disc, within the US. Orders to Canada, add $10)